Future Orientation: Tips from a AWS re/Start Graduate


Today we had a recent AWS re/Start Graduate join us for a short presentation and Q&A about their experience both about the programme and their post-programme period before starting a role as a Cloud Engineer. 

It was great to hear from someone who less then 12 months ago had also undergone the same exact programme we're a third of the way through now. We got an insight into their day to day (lots of meetings!), how long it took until they were allowed to pick up tickets independently (two months) and how much did their employer support their development (lots!). By chance, they were scheduled to complete the solutions AWS solutions architect certification tomorrow! I found it incredibly motivating and centring to hear their story.

I made sure to ask a question myself, which revolved around finding potential roles and then knowing the essential skills that we might need to enhance our employability. The advice provided was;

  • Make sure to continue studying Networking. This is something that comes up incredibly regularly during tickets and understanding the fundamentals accelerates everything - Network Address Translation (NAT) gateways inparticular! Which follows as I'd imagine lots of Cloud Infrastructure is going to be designed to be more isolated from the wider web for security and resilience reasons.

  • Explore and get some rudimental experience on some technologies not covered during our team on the programme. From what I gathered this would be Docker, Terraform and Kubernates. However, our guest did mention that the latter (Kubernates) is rather difficult, so to focus instead in establishing some proficiency Docker and Terraform, citing that just doing some initial Youtube led tutorials to be sufficient. 
The second half of my question revolved around how to identify and explore roles and the requirements for potential roles. Our guest was kind enough to list out what they considered to be the most essential, but also boiled down the technique to "what should I know?" which came from collating the most repeated requirements in job postings online. However, for the record the top skills they listed were;
I'm very serious about hopefully being able to replicate this experience with an entirely new cohort, as the successful individual in a cloud role. Thanks again to our guest for giving up their time, they won't ever know how appreciated it was. 💚

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